Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

7 September 2017

Peter Gutwein, Treasurer

CH Smith rejuvenation reaches another milestone

After being left derelict for decades, the Hodgman Government is working with the Launceston Council and developers Errol Stewart and Scott Curran to breathe new life into the CH Smith site.

Today, the project reached another milestone, with one of the biggest ever concrete pours in Launceston underway.  The pour began at 4am this morning and is expected to be finished this afternoon.

The pace at which this development is happening is phenomenal and a testament to the Tasmanians working on the site, the commitment of the Council, the support of the Government and the determination of the developer.

This is an iconic site and was for so many years a complete eyesore.  The fact that it’s the site of significant development is not just a shot in the arm for the local economy, it is a boost to business confidence in the region.

Yesterday, ABS figures showed Tasmania’s economy grew by 3.2 per cent in 2016-17, amongst the fastest growing economies in the country.  Today, we are seeing what that actually means.  This development is a great example of what a growing economy looks like.

Tasmanians know that we are supporting investment, development, economic growth and job creation and this development highlights that under a majority Hodgman Liberal Government we are getting things done.

But we know that there is still a lot more to do. That’s why we have announced a bold and ambitious target to increase employment in the building and construction sector by 25 per cent.  That will mean more opportunities for young Tasmanians and growth in the number of trainees and apprentices in the State.

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